Simon Mysack
BA, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
I also have TESOL and TOEFL certifications from Oxford Seminars.
On top of this, I have many years of experience teaching English classes and tutoring students.
Professional Achievements & Experience:
I attended an international high school in Singapore, which helped broaden my perspective about the world and its many cultures. Delivering the valedictorian address for my graduating class, I stressed the need to see the world as one – so it means a lot to me to be working here, where we strive to do so.
A public figure at my university, I sought continuously to kindle the fire of inquisitiveness and higher learning in my peers. After graduating, and disappointed by the lack of an intellectual climate in North America, I left Canada to teach English overseas.
I have taught classes of students and tutored individuals, watching them grow their English skills, as well as their ability to think critically and use reason in an ever-changing world.
Approach to Teaching & Learning:
I believe that language is the foundation of thought; that correct grammar can help us be precise in our thinking, and may well lead us to be correct in our actions, as well.
I do my best to encourage the joy of learning in my students, and do my utmost to aid them in their studies. I am always happy to answer their questions, and take an extra moment to do so whenever it is required.
Etymology is a great passion of mine, and I try to give my students glimpses into the origins of the English language, where it can help clarify different meanings and connections between words.
To me, it is clear that in the first place, one must have the will to learn and to better oneself. If this is the case, success will surely follow. To this end, I try to impart that noblest of intention to each student through every interaction I have with them.
In my free time, I enjoy study, reading, or simply reflecting on the subtleties of life.
My love of music and the visual arts far outweighs my desire to practice, but I have been known to have a good time with my friends, whenever warranted.